Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thomas Nozkowski

Thomas Nozkowski alters the map. He questions color, patter, shape and form.

Photo Montage

line, shape, and form in poetic situations
The composition in each piece is radical.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tjalf Sparnaay

Hyper realistic food paintings
Tjalf Sparnaay

Painting hyper realistic euphoria. Tjalf Sparnaay's hyper realistic food paintings are mind blowing. Photo Realiztic. Shape form line are not questions here, but replicas.

Tracey Emil

everyone I have ever slept with 1963-1995
Tracey Emil

Conceptually Stimulating
The tent can be assumed as a parallel to the mind. How it feels to be on the inside of one's head. As if their are walls and and floors inside the mind.

Melinda Gibson

Thursday, January 12, 2012